Aldeen Professional Development 2023
Unlock students’ potential
Week 5 March 3rd
Watch Dr. Fatma Mohamed Video:
Flipped Classroom Strategy and How to Design Interactive Materials
Using free software
-office hour with the director: Lina kholaki for any questions or concerns
Tuesdays @ 5:00-6:00 PM (pacific Day Time)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 893 1306 1065
Passcode: aldeenpd23
-Go to the Discussion board. and reflect on the video.
-Design Your own lesson on a PowerPoint incorporating what you have learned in the presentation video.
Choose any lesson from your curriculum/text book
– Upload your project by Thursday.
Week 6 March 10th
Watch Dr. Fatma Mohamed Video:
Using the Adventure Games to Unlock Student Learning Potential
office hour with the director: Lina kholaki
Tuesday. @ 5:00-6:00 PM (pacific Day Time)
Meeting ID: 893 1306 1065
Passcode: aldeenpd23
-Go to the Discussion board. and reflect on the video.
-Design Your own lesson on a PowerPoint incorporating what you have learned in the presentation video.
– Upload your project by Thursday.
Week 7 March 17th
Watch Dr. Jomana Wilson video:
Running record
بعد الانتهاء من مشاهدة التسجيل الخاص بالتدريب وبعد الاطلاع على الشرائح والمرفقات أرجو إتمام المهمة التالية:
–قم باختيار أحد النصوص القرائية التي تم تعليمها لطلبتك.
أولا: قم باستخدام نموذج تقييم القراءة الشفوية المرفق بالشرائح التعليمية، وذلك بتحميله على حاسوبك، أو على الدرايف الخاص بك.
ثانيا: قم بتصميم امتحانك القرائي، متبعًا الخطوات التي شرحت سابقا في اللقاء ووضحت بالشرائح التعليمية.
ثالثا: قم بإعطاء العلامة النهائية لطلبتك الذين تم امتحانهم، متبعًا الخطوات المبينة في الشرائح المعروضة لك.
-office hour with the director: Lina kholaki for any questions or concerns
Tuesday. @ 5:00-6:00 PM (pacific Day Time)
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 893 1306 1065
Passcode: aldeenpd23
Use this form to log in your running record
Download the attached document of
نموذج تقييم القراءة الشفوية
Fill out the form with sample of your students following the information on the video.
Upload ad your results
Week 8 March 24th
This week to catch up what you have missed and prepare for your presentation in our virtual meeting
Zoom meeting Saturday/Sunday to share ideas and projects
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 893 1306 1065
Passcode: aldeenpd23
Upload any assignment that you have missed throughout the course
Week 9 March 31st
Virtual meeting to share projects and created materials and learn from each other’s
Zoom meeting Saturday or Sunday to share ideas and projects.
Meeting ID: 893 1306 1065
Passcode: aldeenpd23
Upload any assignment that you have missed throughout the course.